Von Unterschiedlichen Täntzen - 3rd Rothenfels Dance Symposium 2012

In June I’m going to 3rd Rothenfelts Dance Symposium 2012 and I’ll be there present my lecture: Von Unterschiedlischen Tӓntzen – Diary of Georg Schroeder and the tradition of dance culture in the second half in the 17th century. Small excerpt from my lecture:

It is a diary of a Gdansk councillor Georg Schroeder (1635 – 1703). He was a true renaissance man. In this diary he wrote about different dances, which he saw and probably danced. Gdańsk was a famous city, known from the dance culture – expecially from luxurious balls, festivities and events – like big festivities for Polish kings and queens with performances of elaborated moresques by the guilds of furriers, sailors and others.(...)

The manuscript is illustrated with schematic drawings of these dances which were very popular among in the wealthy patricians and lower classes in Gdansk. Lessons of dance were present in education in Gdańsk and even the Jesuit schools had dance lessons for children of wealthy patricians and Polish magnates in their system of education. This was mentioned some years later in a big work of Gottfried Taubert Rechtschaffener Tanzmeister.

My and many interesting lectures about dance will be present during Symposium in Rothenfelts in 6 - 10 June 2012.

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