I collected fashion magazines, mostly Polish. Some of them with patterns. Most popular Polish magazine which contein fashion supplement about craft and sewing was
Bluszcz edited in Warsaw in 1865 - 1939. You can some of annuals to see and download from
Some others magazines which included paterns were :
Kobieta w Świecie i w domu. (
Woman in the Word and at Home).

Another magazine included fashion news was Świat ( The World)

And one I have French fashion magazine: Modes et Travaux.
Lately I often come back to read book form my costume bookshelf. One of these which I like is catalog from wonderful exhibition from Sopot near Gdansk about Fashion and Livestyles on the Beach on the Baltic See in XIX th century and first quarter of XX th century;
Modna pani u wód. Kąpieliska nad Bałtykiem 1880-1914. If you interested in of beach costume you can to buy book on
here. My second book is about traveled womans and here is some about travel costume. Eglish title is
No place for a Lady