My new project is about XIX th century. I inspired by the Chopin times and his music. I choose the beautiful embroidery corset from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. My dress is from Hermitage collection from Sankt - Petersburg but now I must to complete undergarment for this time.
Some reflections about the corset. I decided that I will to sew some corset's. 19th century was very creative for the shape and method building for corstery than the 18 th century or 17th century. It is very interesting how the shape changes during the 19th century.

My sketches with the shape, helped to form a pattern.
Choosing material and color for embroidery.
My pattern. I based on from the article in the Costume about maternity corsets.
First step - embroidering bust gusset.
Some reflections about the corset. I decided that I will to sew some corset's. 19th century was very creative for the shape and method building for corstery than the 18 th century or 17th century. It is very interesting how the shape changes during the 19th century.

My sketches with the shape, helped to form a pattern.