Two days ago I finish my round gown. It was my first late 18th century (early 19th century). Sewing dress was not very difficult but require skill. Pattern is from Tidens Tøj. Because I have not seen a dress from the inside I used the construction from my research in National Museum in Warsaw. It was very helpful expecially for the seems.
Dress sewn hand made from cotton batiste. I used the cotton thread.
First I made a "base" for the bodice dress. It sewn from cotton, I used the TT pattern. Then I started modeling back pleats with batiste. I sewed them to the "base" with a very tiny running stitch. The same is done with the front as the pattern show. Next step was the sleeves. I made a few changes: the first is my sleeves are lined with white cotton, sewing with back stitch and running stitch (very tiny), the second change is I remove side whole for the pocket. The front bodice is was very easy to sewing, I pleated material and sewed with tiny back stitch and then connect togetcher and sewed to the back of bodice. Skirt of the dress was modelled with some pleats as in pattern and next step was difficult I sewed front bodice to the skirt. Then I made a "tunnel" for a ribbon wchih regulate the waist at front dress.
Front bodice |
Front |
Back |
Detail front |
Detail back |
inside front construction detail |
inside construction |
sleeve seam |
inside detail back |
construction of "tunnel" for ribbon waist in front |