Dziś o bardzo ciekawej książce mówiącej o męskim stroju w XIX wieku. Książka zawiera przede wszystkim materiał źródłowy i ikonograficzny z polskich i zagranicznych czasopism. Poświęcona jest rozwojowi mody męskiej, pojęciom takim jak dandys i męska elegancja. Publikacja jest też katalogiem do wystawy która miała miejsce w Bibliotece Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego i zawiera ikonografie ze zbiorów bibliotecznych która ma duży zbiór poświęcony kostiumologii. Zawiera informacje na temat rozwoju techniki szycia i kroju męskiego i rozwoju krawiectwa oraz przydatny słowniczek terminologii męskiego ubioru.
Today I would like to present my next book speaking of male attire in the nineteenth century. Dedicated to developing men's fashion, concepts such as a dandy and masculine elegance. This publication is a catalog of the exhibition that took place in Warsaw University Library and contains iconography of the library which has a large iconography collection devoted to costume. Contains information about the development of sewing techniques and cut men's tailoring and development and a useful glossary of terminology of male clothing.
Here is some information about this book and exhibition, unfortunately most of pages not translate but you can see some planches.
Today I would like to present my next book speaking of male attire in the nineteenth century. Dedicated to developing men's fashion, concepts such as a dandy and masculine elegance. This publication is a catalog of the exhibition that took place in Warsaw University Library and contains iconography of the library which has a large iconography collection devoted to costume. Contains information about the development of sewing techniques and cut men's tailoring and development and a useful glossary of terminology of male clothing.
Here is some information about this book and exhibition, unfortunately most of pages not translate but you can see some planches.